The Saskatchewan division of the Canadian Mental Health Association (CMHA) is under fire after Premier Scott Moe shared a picture of a charity auction car painted with the Confederate flag.

The premier Monday, applauding a “DukesofHazzard”-themed community fundraising effort for the CMHA; however, the car, an imitation of the famous “General Lee,” features a Confederate flag on its paint job.

The pictures, shared to Twitter, immediately sparked outrage.

“I shared these photos to support the Parkside Community Club’s longstanding efforts, as well as to support the work of the Canadian Mental Health Association,” the premier said in a statement.

“It was certainly not my intention to offend anyone, or to endorse the Confederate flag and what it symbolizes.”

In a tweet, the Saskatchewan CMHA said they were not consulted about the fundraising effort and had no input on the design of the car.

“CMHA_Sk would never condone the use of what is now considered a hate symbol,” the organization wrote on Twitter.

“We are actively trying to contact the organizers to discuss our concerns and the concerns of our supporters. Once again we apologize for any offense this has caused and are working towards a solution.”

Kerry Peterson, a spokesperson for the Parkside Demolition Derby, says the derby apologizes for including the Confederate flag on the vehicle, noting that they were simply replicating the design of the famous car.

“The Confederate flag, while it has its own meanings, none of those meanings had anything to do with it going on the car,” Peterson told 鶹ý Saskatoon.