A Mississauga, Ont. woman was nearly killed after a man posing as a delivery person shot her with a crossbow, in what police have described as a targeted attack.

According to police, the 44-year-old woman answered her door to find a supposed delivery man carrying a large box. The two engaged in brief conversation before the suspect fired an arrow at the woman from a crossbow concealed inside the box.

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Police say the arrow used in the incident is designed to hunt large game such as moose and deer and inflict the maximum amount of damage. The victim, who was struck in the chest, survived and managed to call 9-1-1 herself.

The attack, which took place last November, is being as an attempted murder.

“The injuries that she sustained were absolutely devastating,†said Det. Sgt. Jim Kettles at a press conference Monday. “It involved damage to a lot of her internal organs, so she’s going to be in a recovery phase for the rest of her life.â€

appears to show the suspect standing on the front porch of the woman’s home, holding the large package with one hand. Although clip provided by police does not show the attack itself, the suspect can be seen running away as the front door slams shut.

The victim later told police she got a “direct look†at the suspect, but did not recognize him.

“This was not a random act,†said Supt. Heather Ramore during the press conference. “Comments that were made to the victim by the suspect indicate that the victim was targeted and that the suspect may have carried out the attack at the request of another individual.â€

Police say the suspect may have fled the scene in a dark-coloured pickup truck.

Anyone with information is asked to contact police.