With tax season comes increased phone scams aiming to defraud Canadians.

A number of Montrealers have received scam telephone calls from people claiming to be from the Canada Revenue Agency warning them there will be a warrant issued for their arrest if they don’t transfer funds to cover unpaid taxes immediately.

Joe Di Filippo knew right away the message left on his voicemail was a scam but called the number back anyway.

He told the person who answered that he had reported them to the CRA. He kept a recording that he provided to CTV Montreal.

“Yes, hi. I just reported you guys to the Canadian Revenue Agency fraud department that you're ripping off Canadians,” Di Filippo told the person on the other end. The call taker responded: “You can’t do that.”

But Di Filippo says: “Yeah, I did that. Not that I can’t do that. I already did that.”

But not everyone understands this is a scam.

According to the RCMP, these scammers typically target the most vulnerable, including seniors and newcomers to Canada, telling them they owe taxes or sometimes, that they are entitled to a refund but must provide personal information first.

Louise Laplante got the same call, but also didn’t fall for it.

“Don’t panic. Don’t be scared,” she advised others who may get a similar call. She reported it to the RCMP after getting three calls.

“I was vulnerable. I had been at the hospital. I was shaken anyway. Even if it does shake you, or they’ve got you at a bad time, just don’t give in.”

warns Canadians about the scam and even provides transcripts of some of the pitches scammers are using.

They include this voice message received by a CRA employee in Halifax:

“The reason behind this call is to notify you that we have registered a criminal case against your name concerning a tax evasion and tax fraud in the federal court house. So if you want any further information about this case, please make sure you give us a call back as quick as possible to our direct hotline number to the Canada Revenue Agency Headquarters. That is 613-927-9919, I will please repeat the number, it is 613-927-9919. If we don’t receive a call from your side, please be prepared to face the legal consequences, as the issue of tax is extremely serious and time-sensitive. So have a blessed time.”

The CRA says it never: seeks personal information such as social insurance numbers or credit card numbers either over the phone or through email or text message; demands urgent payment using coercive or threatening language; or requests payment through prepaid credit cards.

If you receive a call saying you owe money to the CRA, call the CRA directly at 1-866-474-8272. Don’t be fooled if your caller ID indicates a call is coming from the CRA. That information can be altered by criminals.

If you do receive a suspicious call, don’t call that number back. Instead, call the CRA at 1-800-959-8281. And if the phone call is a fraud, report it to the at 1-888-495-8501.

-With a report from CTV Montreal’s Amanda Kline