HALIFAX -- Nova Scotia's premier says he doesn't want to pre-judge whether Ottawa should pull back from a plan to bring 25,000 Syrian refugees into Canada by the end of the year.

Stephen McNeil says Ottawa is responsible for handling any security concerns that arise from its screening process of refugees and his province remains ready to proceed with welcoming newcomers once it's determined how that will happen.

McNeil says he expects many of those concerns will be addressed in a federal-provincial meeting next week, in light of the recent terror attacks in Paris and Beirut.

He made the comments following the release of a letter by Saskatchewan Premier Brad Wall who says the refugee plan may pose a threat to Canadian security.

The Nova Scotia Immigration Department says it is continuing to plan for the eventual arrival of refugees and will use its 211 service line to help gauge and coordinate help offered by the public.

Immigration Minister Lena Metlege Diab says individuals or businesses should call the line with any offers of clothing, food, lodging, or financial donations.