OTTAWA -- Opposition parties claimed victory on Friday after persuading the Conservatives to accept a proposal to take MP pension reforms out of the massive omnibus budget bill.

Speedy negotiations saw the changes plucked from the bill and unanimously passed through the House of Commons Friday morning without any further study.

It was a rare about-face for the Conservatives, who earlier this year refused outright to carve out any of the changes included in their first budget implementation bill, which amended dozens of laws.

On Thursday, the Liberals tried anew, promising to swiftly pass changes to the MP pension program if they were taken out of this omnibus bill.

The prime minister said he would take the idea under advisement and by Friday morning, the changes were made.

"As we have long said, the Liberal party agrees unequivocally that MP pensions must be reformed in order to save Canadians' tax dollars," Leader Bob Rae said in a statement.

"It is unfortunate that we had to force the government to do the right thing on this issue, but we are satisfied that we were able to bring about these changes without delay."

While the speedy passage of reforms to the lucrative pension plan makes for good politics for all parties, it opens a new line of attack for the opposition.

Why is OK to separate one section, but not others?

The opposition argues that those sections which make major changes to various facets of Canadian life need more study than will be afforded if they are all bundled into one bill.

"Apparently, splitting the bill is possible after all," NDP House Leader Nathan Cullen said.

"Why not do it for the other surprises: for research and development, for navigable waters? Why not do it for the environment?"

Tory House Leader Peter Van Loan said if the opposition would agree to swift passage of other measures, the government would be glad to hive them off.

"We're always willing to talk with other parties about if they want to see things passed through quickly," he said.

"But here was an opportunity where there was a consensus that there was support for the government's position that we have to move towards a fair share on pensions, to moving it quickly through the House and we took the opportunity to do that."

The New Democrats had wanted the pension changes put before committee, arguing that there was an inherent conflict-of-interest in MPs deciding their own remuneration.

But they were outvoted by the Liberals and Conservatives and in the end agreed to support the motion if reforms to the public sector pensions were not part of it.

The alterations to the MP program will sharply increase the contributions MPs must make to their pensions and require them to wait until age 65 to collect.

Contributions which now run about $11,000 a year will rise to about $39,000.

Under the old system, MPs could start collecting a pension at age 55.

The changes could provide incentive for an exodus from politics, since key provisions won't take effect until after the next election in 2015.

So those MPs who have served the minimum six years required to collect a pension could exit public life that year and still access the old plan.