CALGARY - A former Calgary woman whose 22-year-old radicalized son was killed while fighting alongside Islamic extremists in Syria two years ago says the federal government failed both Aaron Driver and his family.

The 24-year old Driver died during a confrontation with RCMP in Strathroy, Ontario, Wednesday after allegedly making a martyrdom video that suggested he was planning to detonate a homemade bomb in an urban centre.

Christianne Boudreau, whose son Damian Clairmont died fighting for the Islamic State in 2014, says Driver and his family should have been provided assistance, including counselling, which might have prevented Driver's death.

Driver had been under a court order not to associate with any terrorist organizations or use a computer or cellphone but wasn't under continuous surveillance.

Boudreau had been critical of the government of former prime minister Stephen Harper, saying its approach to dealing with radicalization was based on fear.

She'd hoped for better from the Trudeau government, but says it appears the Liberals are denying that radicalized youth are a problem.

Federal Public Safety Minister Ralph Goodale said this week the government has committed 500-million dollars towards various police, security and border control measures, as well as a counter-radicalization program ramping up this summer.