Last year, blogger and parenting expert Samantha Kemp-Jackson, offered these handy family budgeting tips to CTV’s Canada AM:

Extend household cleaners with water

Shampoos, detergents and many other liquid household items are extremely concentrated. For that reason, add bit of water to make these products last longer.

"It's a little trick that I learned from my mother years ago," said Kemp-Jackson. "She used to get to the very bottom of the dishwashing liquid. When she couldn't run out and get more she'd just add a little water."

Today, Kemp-Jackson puts this trick into practice, adding 25 per cent water to 75 per cent of her cleaning products. The simple manoeuvre stretches the life of these products without diminishing their power.

Create a clothing co-op with friends, family

To help save money, Kemp-Jackson shops at the end of a season to pick up deals on staples such as snow pants, mittens and hats.

She has also set up a neighbourhood co-op to exchange gently-used clothes with family and friends. This simple move can push a tight clothing budget and help others do the same.

Go green to cut lighting bills

Consumers use many light bulbs over a lifetime, and many don't turn them off to save electricity. To cut costs, switch to CFL (Compact Florescent Lighting) bulbs. These environmentally-friendly bulbs can trim a hydro bill by as much as 25 per cent a year.

Buy in bulk

Buying in bulk is another effective way to save on food, cleaners and other household essentials. The trick, however, is to compare the unit price before you buy.

Use apps to get coupons

Coupons have always been a great way to save money. But consumers today can use apps and other virtual technology to score deals.

"There are traditional coupons that we can continue to use. But there are lots of online coupon sites you can go to," said Kemp-Jackson.

"Now, you can actually get mobile applications that will allow you to get coupons and download them right in the store," she said.