OTTAWA -- A new report on the dollars and cents of childcare in Canada is being released Wednesday. The biennial report from the Childcare Resource and Research Unit looks at how much the provinces and territories spend on childcare, and what the money buys. Here are some figures from the report:

  • 1,201,377: regulated child care spaces in Canada
  • 70%: employment rate of mothers with children aged 0-2
  • $4,273,366,946: Provincial and territorial spending on child care, which includes funding from the federal government
  • $602,696,961: Increase in provincial and territorial spending on child care since 2012
  • $1,676: Median monthly fee for an infant child care space in Toronto, the most expensive in the country
  • $1,324: Median monthly fee for a toddler daycare space in Toronto, the most expensive in the country
  • $998: Median monthly fee for a preschooler daycare space in Toronto, the most expensive in the country
  • 30%: Centre-based child care spaces in Canada that were in for-profit daycares in 2014