A photo of a young Halifax resident upset over his first parking citation is getting plenty of love online.

Halifax police Const. Shawn Currie wrote a ticket for Declan Tramley, 3, after he spotted him illegally stopped on his red plastic motorcycle.

The photo shows Tramley holding one hand on his forehead in grief while Cst. Currie kneels and scribbles the fake ticket.

Currie said he just did it just because he thought it would be funny.

“It’s nice to show the different sides of police,†he said. “We’re not always making arrests and hauling people away … we like to have fun.â€

Plenty of strangers were also amused: more than 10,000 shared or liked the photo after it was posted to the Halifax Regional Police Facebook page on Sunday. Hundreds more shared it on Twitter.

Tramley’s mother Lisa said it has been fun for Declan too.

“He loves his ticket (now),†she said. “He tried to go to bed with his ticket.â€

With a report from CTV Atlantic