LEVIS, Que. - Defence Minister Peter MacKay says Canada will lease six to eight Russian-built helicopters to ferry troops around the battlefield in Afghanistan until it can purchase new U.S. aircraft.

He describes it as a stopgap measure.

Securing helicopter transport to get soldiers off the bomb-laced roads of Kandahar was a principal condition when Parliament extended the combat mission until 2011.

MacKay says a deal to purchase six CH-47-D Chinooks from the U.S. Army has been worked out, but those heavy-lift aircraft will not arrive until late this year -- or early next.

In the meantime, MacKay says the Defence Department has worked out a lease involving Russian-made Mi-8 choppers.

He did not say what country -- or company -- would provide the aircraft, nor was the cost of the lease made public.

Last winter, Poland offered Canada access to two of its Mi-17 battlefield transport helicopters, part of its increased commitment to the Afghan mission.

They were expected to arrive this summer, but military officials have privately expressed concern about availability.

Polish special forces soldiers operating in Kandahar would have first call on the choppers.