VANCOUVER - A study by the David Suzuki Foundation says climate change is putting the future winter sports in Canada in jeopardy.

The report, called `On Thin Ice: Winter Sports and Climate Change,' is being released Monday, and says if heat-trapping greenhouse gas emissions are not significantly cut, more than half of Canada's ski season could be wiped out.

The report says even with massive snow-making efforts, many ski resorts would have less than 100 days of reliable conditions every year, which is considered the bare minimum for financial viability.

It also predicts the cross-country ski season could be cut in half in Quebec's Gatineau Park and wiped out altogether in southern Quebec and Ontario.

Winter skating on Ottawa's Rideau Canal could drop from its 61-day length to 44 days by 2020 and to just 20 days by 2050.

The report is being released in conjunction with the Eighth World Conference on Sport and the Environment.