Despite challenges created by an exceptionally strong Canadian dollar, Canada has the lowest level of sovereign debt and the highest GDP growth rate in the G7-- a pattern that appears likely to persist for some time. Having avoided the worst of the global financial crisis, the country now enjoys a number of distinct competitive advantages.

Fiscal prudence payoff. Canada has the potential to outperform the U.S. over the next few years, thanks principally to its prudent fiscal policies:

1. Modest deficits. The U.S. will run a fiscal deficit of 10 per cent to 11 per cent of GDP this year, which may narrow to 5 per cent to 6 per cent in 2011, after the economy recovers. Canada had a deficit of $42 billion Canadian dollars ($41 billion) last year, or just 2.7 per cent of GDP. Provincial shortfalls are also modest. They amounted to $8.9 billion Canadian dollars in 2009, or 0.5 per cent of GDP, compared to an average of 0.6 per cent of GDP during the previous three years.

2. Relative tax burdens. As a result of these modest deficits, there is little danger of tax increases. Indeed, the minority Conservative government of Prime Minister Stephen Harper is committed to reducing the corporate tax rate to 15 per cent during the next two years. The U.S. corporate tax rate, by contrast, is 35 per cent. U.S. federal income and capital-gains taxes are much lower relative to other developed world countries. However, large U.S. fiscal deficits greatly increase the risk of substantial tax hikes at some point during the next few years.

3. Growth implications. The fiscal differences have two implications:

  • Canada is likely to outperform the U.S. over the next five years.
  • The greatest uncertainty confronting Canada will be the danger of a U.S. consumer recession if Washington is forced to introduce a value-added tax, a carbon tax or large increases in marginal income tax rates in order to reduce the federal deficit.

Investment, trade strength. Canada now has $590 billion Canadian of foreign direct investment (FDI), compared to $549 billion Canadian of foreign investment within Canada. Canada has $342 billion Canadian of FDI in the U.S., whereas U.S. firms have $292 billion Canadian of investment in Canada. The other big investors in Canada are:

  • the U.K. ($63 billion Canadian);
  • Switzerland ($21 billion);
  • France ($18 billion);
  • Germany ($14 billion);
  • Japan ($13 billion); and
  • China ($9 billion).

FDI in Canada is concentrated in three sectors: natural resources (particularly oil sands -- $104 billion Canadian), manufacturing ($195 billion Canadian) and financial services including insurance ($71 billion Canadian). Canada's own outward FDI is equally diverse, but follows a similar pattern.

Downside risks. There are just two factors that appear capable of undermining this rosy scenario for the Canadian economy:

  • Household debt. The ratio of household debt to disposable personal income has risen to 146 per cent, from 120 per cent 10 years ago. (The U.S. ratio, by contrast, is 174 per cent.) Most economists dismiss concerns about the debt because it has been matched by increases in the price of houses and other assets owned by the household sector. Mortgage debt accounts for approximately 62 per cent of all household debt.
  • Strong loonie. The loonie is again hovering near parity with the U.S. dollar, which reduces the competitiveness of Canada's exports in its primary marketplace, the U.S.

Bank of Canada (BoC) Gov. Mark Carney is well aware of these hazards and has sought to allow the Federal Reserve to be the first mover in the process of tightening rates from record lows. However, this effort appears likely to fail, as the BoC is likely to be compelled to raise its benchmark rate in June. This could push the loonie up to $1.10 by November, acting as a drag on trade and growth.

Outlook. Canadian GDP is likely to grow more quickly than that in the U.S. over the next five years, as a sounder fiscal environment will mean lower taxes -- particularly on corporations.