OTTAWA - Canada will adopt the recommendations stemming from recent World Health Organization meetings on the toxic effects of melamine and cyanuric acid, Health Minister Leona Aglukkaq announced Wednesday.

She said in adopting the WHO recommendations, Canada is a world leader in addressing the health impacts of melamine contamination in food. "The health and safety of Canadians is important for our government and we are taking very seriously the concerns being raised by parents about the potential for melamine in infant formulas," Aglukkaq said in a release.

Scientists said in a statement Friday that the tolerable level has been established at 0.2 milligrams of melamine per kilogram of body weight.

That means a 110-pound person could tolerate 10 milligrams of melamine per day.

The WHO also stressed it has not set a safe level for melamine, a contaminant that should not be in food but sometimes is unavoidable.

It said the tolerable level indicates the amount a person can consume without higher health risk.