OTTAWA - A former top adviser to Prime Minister Stephen Harper whose lobbying activities are being investigated by the RCMP met with a Conservative cabinet minister last month.

Environment Minister Peter Kent's office acknowledged Monday that he met with Carson on Feb. 7.

The Prime Minister's Office called in the RCMP after an investigation by the Aboriginal People's Television Network revealed that Bruce Carson's 22-year-old girlfriend stood to benefit from a project he was pitching to the government. The plan involved selling water filtration systems to First Nations.

Kent's spokesman said Carson did raise First Nations water issues during their meeting but wasn't there to lobby on any company's behalf.

"Minister Kent met with Bruce Carson once, on Feb. 7 to discuss issues related to the environment and clean energy, in Mr. Carson's capacity as head of the Canada School on the Environment and Energy," spokesman Bill Rodgers said in an email.

"Mr. Carson did raise general water issues on First Nations but did not name any specific company or companies during the discussion.

"The issues are the responsibility of Indian and Northern Affairs Canada. As such, no follow-up was required by Minister Kent and the two men have not discussed any matters since."

Rodgers said Carson asked for the meeting.

According to APTN, Carson's girlfriend, Michele McPherson, signed a contract with H20 Global Group -- which once listed her as part of its management team -- on Aug. 31 entitling her to 20 per cent of the project's gross water system sales. The Indian Affairs Department says it has not awarded any contracts to H20 Pros.

APTN also reported that McPherson worked as an Ottawa escort who went by the name Leanna VIP.

Carson told APTN he planned to enlist Kent, Assembly of First Nations chief Shawn Atleo and others to help sell the water filtration project.

"Where we are going next with this -- and this is nobody's business but mine -- is to sit down with (Indian Affairs Minister John) Duncan, Kent, Atleo and myself and probably Patrick (Hill, the company owner) to try to figure out a way to break through the log-jam," Carson told the network.

Last week, Carson took a leave of absence from his job as executive director at the Canada School of Energy and Environment. He has indicated he would not comment further while the RCMP was investigating.

In the early 1980s, Carson served jail time and was disbarred after being convicted of defrauding his law clients.

As recently as Jan. 11, Carson met with senior political staff in Duncan's office to discuss the project and a company called H20 Pros.

Duncan's office said the January meeting involved Kym Purchase, the minister's director of policy, and Ted Yeomans, his director of parliamentary affairs. McPherson did not attend the meeting.

Yeomans is a former assistant to MP Pierre Poilievre, Harper's parliamentary secretary.

"Mr. Carson briefed the staff on the proposed water project," Michelle Yao, Duncan's director of communications, said in an email last week.

"Staff provided publicly available information to Bruce Carson and recommended he work directly with First Nations."

Yao described the meeting as standard practice. "Minister's staff regularly attend meetings with individuals and stakeholders," she said.

Carson also met officials from the Department of Indian and Northern Affairs four times between September and December.