LONDON - Police sent the results of a two-month investigation of the death of former KGB agent Alexander Litvinenko to prosecutors Wednesday, raising the possibility that a suspect could be charged with his murder.

Police declined to comment on whether the file named suspects or recommended that charges be filed. Such files typically are given to prosecutors when officers believe they have built a conclusive case, a Crown Prosecution Service spokeswoman said.

Prosecutors will use the file -- which contains details of investigations by London police in Britain, the United States and Russia -- to decide whether any individual will be charged with criminal offenses regarding the death, police said.

Regarding Wednesday's information about the Litvinenko probe, police issued a statement saying: "We are not prepared to discuss the contents of the file."

Prosecutors must decide if the police evidence meets the standard needed to secure a conviction, the Crown Prosecution Service spokeswoman said, speaking on condition of anonymity in keeping with its regulations.

However, detectives have not closed the case, a police spokeswoman said, and would continue to hunt for evidence in the death.

Litvinenko, a Kremlin critic who lived in exile in London, died in a London hospital on Nov. 23 from a lethal dose of the radioactive element polonium-210.

In a deathbed statement, the former KGB agent accused Russian President Vladimir Putin of ordering his murder, an allegation the Kremlin has denied.

The Crown Prosecution Service confirmed that officials had received the police file. "Decision on whether there is sufficient evidence rests with the prosecution service," the prosecution spokeswoman said. "We have received a full file from the police, which contains all details of their inquiries into the case so far."

A Russian businessman identified by British media as a key suspect in the case told The Associated Press on Saturday that he had no role in the crime.

Andrei Lugovoi, who was interviewed in Moscow by Russia officials on behalf of London police, said the allegations against him were "lies, provocation and government propaganda."

Russia's prosecutor general's office has said Moscow would not allow the extradition of Lugovoi to Britain if he is charged in the British inquiry.