LONDON - Britain confirmed its first outbreak of the H5N1 bird flu in a domestic flock on Saturday, saying the virus has been detected on a farm owned by Europe's largest turkey producer where 2,500 turkeys died.

As a precaution, all 159,000 turkeys will be slaughtered on the farm in Holton in Suffolk, about 210 kilometres northeast of London, said Britain's deputy chief veterinary officer Fred Landeg. He said he expects the outbreak will be contained.

Television news footage showed piles of slaughtered birds being loaded onto an open tractor trailer before being taken away for incineration.

Landeg said the virus was detected in only one of 22 turkey sheds on the farm, owned by Bernard Matthews PLC.

Workers have been offered antiviral drugs and are wearing protective clothing, said Health Protection Agency virologist Maria Zambon. She added that the virus does not transmit easily to humans and has not been found to be transmitted through food.

Experts stressed the situation did not pose a public health threat.

The is the first instance of H5N1 in Britain since a wild swan in Scotland was found to have the virus in March. Turkeys and chickens are more susceptible to H5N1 than wild birds, which can carry the disease over long distances without showing symptoms.

"This virus is going to be in bird populations for years to come and the way in which we'll deal with it is by implementing the well-rehearsed plan to stamp it out at source," Dr. David Nabarro, the UN influenza co-ordinator, told British Broadcasting Corp. television.

Bird flu has killed or prompted the culling of millions of birds worldwide since late 2003 when it first began ravaging Asian poultry stocks. It has killed at least 164 people worldwide, although humans are not normally affected.

Experts fear it could mutate into a form that spreads easily among people, potentially sparking a global pandemic. So far, most human cases have been traced to contact with infected birds.