February 2006 - Brenda Martin jailed in Mexico on Internet fraud charges.

Nov. 19, 2007 - Toronto Liberal MP Dan McTeague announces meeting with Mexican ambassador to discuss Martin's case.

Dec. 2, 2007 - Canadian and Mexican lawyers file constitutional injunction for Martin.

Dec. 10, 2007 - Canadian consulate advises Martin to drop constitutional rights case.

Jan. 7, 2008 - Mexican judge delays decision on rights case.

Feb. 5 - Martin's supporters say Foreign Affairs Minister Helen Guergis won't talk with her.

Feb. 13 - McTeague visits Martin. He says she's optimistic she'll be released.

March. 5 - A former psychotherapist says Martin is suicidal.

March 7 - There is no decision in Martin's rights case.

March 9 - Martin is under suicide watch in the prison hospital.

March 10 - Lawyers say a Mexican judge has ruled against the rights case and she must remain in custody until trial.

March 11 - Foreign Affairs Minister Maxime Bernier says he has appealed for help to his Mexican counterpart on behalf of Martin.

March 12 - Former prime minister Paul Martin visits Brenda Martin in jail.

March 13 - Mexican deputy attorney general tells Martin the judge in her case has already prepared a 500-page verdict.

March 17 - Bernier meets with his Mexican counterpart, Patricia Espinosa, in Washington. Prime Minister Stephen Harper calls Mexican President Felipe Calderon to discuss Martin's case.

March 18 - Mexico defends the "autonomy and independence'' of its courts.

March 19 - Harper says pleas on Martin's behalf are not falling on deaf ears. Secretary of State Jason Kenney meets Martin and says Mexican officials assured him they are trying to fast-track Martin's case.

March 20 - Harper says the Martin case is troubling and upsetting. Martin calls Kenney's visit a "dog and pony show.''

March 21 - The Mexican Embassy blames Martin for delays, saying she filed many appeals and changed lawyers.

March 24 - Martin's former boss says Mexican officials want $500,000 bribe to let her go.

March 27 - A Canadian government report says consular officials have regularly visited Martin since her imprisonment.

March 29 - A small rally is held on Parliament Hill to support Martin.

April 8 - The Mexican foreign secretary says he hopes the Martin case will be resolved soon.

April 9 - Martin is told a hearing is to be held April 14.

April 14 - Martin tells the judge at the hearing she is innocent, breaks down repeatedly. Judge says decision may not be quick.

April 15 - Martin says she has become addicted to anti-anxiety medication in prison.

April 18 - Mexican officials say verdict will be announced April 22.

April 22 - Martin found guilty, sentenced to five years and a fine.