TRENTON, Ont. - The bodies of two Canadian soldiers who died in Afghanistan arrived home in Canada on Tuesday.

The plane carrying their flag-draped coffins was greeted at CFB Trenton, Ont., by dignitaries who included Gov. Gen. Michaelle Jean and Defence Minister Peter MacKay, along with grieving family members.

Cpl. Christian Bobbitt and Sapper Matthieu Allard died Saturday in a roadside bomb attack in the Zhari district, west of Kandahar.

The two combat engineers served in Afghanistan with the 2e Batallion of the Royal 22e Regiment, based in Valcartier, Que.

People lined overpasses as the bodies were carried along the stretch of Highway 401 known as the Highway of Heroes to the coroner's office in Toronto, where residents saluted as the hearses drove by.

Since 2002, 127 Canadian soldiers and one diplomat have died during the Afghanistan mission.