IQALUIT, Nunavut - The trial of a northern man accused of killing a Mountie has heard that the officer never had a chance to defend himself when he was shot in his police truck.

A blood spatter expert told the jury some of Const. Doug Scott's blood was found on his shotgun, which was still in its bracket in the back of the truck.

Sgt. Serge Larocque also testified that two snaps on the belt that held Scott's service pistol were still done up.

Larocque said blood stains in the truck were consistent with Scott being shot in the head.

Ping Kolola, who is 39, is charged with first-degree murder in the death of the 20-year-old officer in Kimmirut, Nunavut, in November 2007.

Scott had responded on his own to complaints about a drunk driver.

Court has heard that Kolola was drunk and driving around town with his baby son in his lap after fighting with his common-law wife.