SYDNEY - The Australian pranksters who caused a stir by driving their Canadian flag-adorned "fautorcade'' though two security checkpoints at the APEC summit in Sydney have drawn the attention of authorities once again.

The Australian Broadcasting Corporation reports on its website that three staff and a film crew from the popular comedy show "The Chaser's War on Everything'' were questioned by police following a second stunt Friday.

Instead of driving real cars and motorcycles, like they did on Thursday, they were wearing cardboard boxes decorated to look like limousines, complete with Canadian flags and paper plates for wheels.

Cast member Craig Reucassel, speaking to the broadcaster moments before being released by police, says the events happened a good distance from the sumit security zone and no one broke any laws.

On Thursday, police arrested 11 "Chaser's'' cast members and impounded three cars after police pulled the motorcade over metres away from the hotel where U.S. President Bush is staying. One cast member, Chas Licciardello, got out of the car decked out to look like Osama Bin Laden.

They were released on bail, but could be handed six-month jail sentences if convicted when they appear in court next month.

"No particular reason we chose Canada,'' cast member Chris Taylor was quoted as saying on the Sydney Morning Herald's website.

"We just thought they'd be a country who the cops wouldn't scrutinize too closely, and who feasibly would only have three cars in their motorcade -- as opposed to the 20 or so gas guzzlers that Bush has brought with him.''

 Prime Minister Stephen Harper, like other Canadian officials, mostly ignored the prank.

"I haven't actually watched,'' he told reporters Friday. "These things are for the authorities to deal with. I don't have any particular comment.''