NEW YORK - Jettisoned by his longtime co-host Sean Hannity, Alan Colmes was adopted by Stephen Colbert -- for a day, at least.

On Monday's "The Colbert Report," Colbert introduced the Fox News commentator as his new co-host.

It was the first episode of the Comedy Central show following the holiday break, and Colbert unveiled a completely new format, dubbing the show "Colbert & Colmes." The new design featured a "C & C" graphic and a chair behind the desk for Colmes (albeit one a foot or two shorter than Colbert's).

In November, Fox News announced that Colmes, the liberal half of "Hannity & Colmes" for the last 12 years, was leaving the show but would remain a commentator on the channel.

Sensing he could push around his liberal sidekick, Colbert -- who plays a mock conservative pundit -- gave Colmes a list of preapproved comments, such as, "Hamburger, you're good," and "Aw, snap!"

Colbert made it clear he was still in charge. Graphics repeatedly overlaid Colmes' face and when Colbert went to interview his guest -- John King of CNN -- he told Colmes, "No, no. Stay, stay."

At the end of the show, the comic said he and Colmes would be back every night with "hard-hitting political opinions" (pointing to himself) "and top-notch listening" (pointing to Colmes).

But an argument ensued when Colmes pointed out errors in a metaphor Colbert concocted. The two parted ways with Colmes exclaiming "Boo-yah, Colmes away!" before, in a puff of smoke, he turned into a bat.

Reached by phone Tuesday, Colmes had returned to his human self.

"It was very well done," said Colmes, who is developing a new weekend show for Fox News.

As to how working with Colbert compares to working with Hannity, Colmes said: "Both are extremely gracious, although I feel a lot taller sitting next to Sean Hannity."