LOS ANGELES - Where's Lindsay Lohan?

There were conflicting reports Monday about whether the 24-year-old actress was released from the Betty Ford rehab centre near Palm Springs, the latest bout of uncertainty for Lohan.

TMZ reported that Lohan was still taking sobriety classes at the centre and would come back to Los Angeles on Tuesday, though E! insisted that she had departed the facility, citing Lohan's mother, Dina, who called it "a great day."

Lohan herself remained silent on Twitter on Monday. Messages for Lohan's attorney, Shawn Chapman Holley, were not immediately returned. A spokesman for Betty Ford said the facility does not comment on its patients.

Lohan's father, Michael, was also mum on whether Lohan was actually leaving rehab Monday.

"I'm not going to say it's today, but it's a very controlled move," he said during an interview Monday morning on CBS' "The Early Show."

"She needs all the right elements in place when she gets out ... she's being very patient about it," he added. "I'm so proud of where she is now, and I don't want that to falter."

Lohan has been receiving treatment at Betty Ford, about 120 miles east of Los Angeles, since late September. A judge overseeing her probation for her 3 1/2 year-old drunk driving case required Lohan to remain at the rehab centre until Monday.

Whether she's in or out, Lohan faces an uncertain career and looming legal issues. For months, she's been haunted by her inability, or unwillingness, to shake the drunken driving case that resulted in Lohan's two separate trips to rehab and jail in 2010.

And now she also remains under investigation for alleged misdemeanour battery on a Betty Ford worker and needs to satisfy a criminal judge that she's been in compliance with her probation terms during her stint at the centre.

Still, experts say Lohan has a good shot at recovery. Provided, of course, that she wants it, changes her party girl lifestyle and remains in continued therapy.

If a New Year's Day message posted on her Twitter account is any indication, the "Mean Girls" star seems ready to do just that. "Today is the first day of the rest of my life," it said. "'The future depends on what we do in the present.' -Mahatma Gandhi... One step at a time..."