KANDAHAR, Afghanistan - An Afghan child has been injured today after a suicide bomber targeted a Canadian military convoy near the country's border with Pakistan.

Lt. Al Blondin, a spokesman for the Canadian army, says the attack took place near the community of Spin Boldak around 10 a.m. local time.

Kandahar provincial police chief Sayed Aqa Saqib says the driver had tried to ram one of the Canadian military vehicles with a car that appeared to be packed with explosives.

No Canadian soldiers were wounded, but medics with the convoy attended an innocent bystander, 12-year-old boy, who was subsequently airlifted to the NATO military hospital at Kandahar Airfield.

The attack came one day after a Canadian soldier -- Capt. Richard (Steve) Leary -- died of wounds following a firefight in the central-western portion of the province.

Taliban militants have stepped up attacks over the last week, using a combination of ambushes, suicide attacks and bicycle bombs to target not only Canadian troops, but Afghan army soldiers and police.