OTTAWA - Friends of Government House leader John Baird are advertising a $500-per-head fundraiser next month in which guests will be able to rub elbows with "numerous Conservative Party of Canada Ministers."

An emailed invitation circulating last week stated the Feb. 9 event in Ottawa is already 50 per cent sold out after just 11 days -- adding in bold face it is necessary because, "In all likelihood a Federal Election will be called in 2011."

As recently as Oct. 28, Conservatives were railing in the House of Commons about Liberals "selling access" to Leader Michael Ignatieff in a similar fundraising scheme that targeted female donors.

And Tory MP James Bezan has described the $1,100-per-head Ignatieff meet-and-greet sessions at his official Opposition Leader's residence in Ottawa as a "shocking development."

"By selling access to himself, the Liberal leader proves once again that he is not in it for Canadians, he is just in it for himself," Bezan charged in the Commons last June.

It's been a persistent theme of conservative parties in Ottawa, who have long complained about well-heeled donors buying preferred access to key members of the government.

Baird spokesman Garry Keller says the issue with the Ignatieff fundraisers was the use of his taxpayer-funded residence, not the fact he was -- in Bezan's words -- "selling access to himself."

"At the end of the day, it's pretty common practice for politicians to attend and support their caucus colleagues' events, whether a fundraiser or another type of event," said Keller.

"But at the end of the day, in this (case) all the rules are and will continue to be followed."

Indeed, the Liberals are advertising a $400-per-head fundraiser in Ottawa on Jan. 25 they say will include shadow cabinet critics, MPs and future candidates.

Neither event contravenes any Elections Canada or other ethics rules.

But as far back as 1995, Reform party trailblazer Deborah Grey was making the point that, "Selling access to a minister of the Crown cannot be justified by a handful of receipts."

NDP MP Pat Martin, a longtime critic of such fundraisers under Liberal and Conservative governments, said there's a "time-honoured tradition of peddling access to ministers."

"If it were just a fundraiser for John Baird, why would you have to advertise that if you show up you'll get to meet all kinds of influential cabinet ministers?" Martin said in an interview.

"The message is quite clear. For a nominal fee you get to touch the hem of the garment of people who dish out government's largesse. You pay to play."

The email invitation to the Baird event says the goal is to help raise "upwards of $100,000" in order to "ensure John has sufficient funding to wage a winning campaign."

The election spending limit for candidates in Baird's riding, Ottawa West Nepean, was just under $88,000 during the 2008 campaign, according to Elections Canada. Baird himself spent about $82,600.

The email invitation makes clear that no corporate cheques or credit cards can be accepted. But it does suggest receipts will be given.

Political donations are eligible for tax credits that far exceed those offered by government for other worthy causes such as cancer research or disaster relief.

The Baird invitation includes a handy chart to illustrate the massive government subsidies. For the $500 entry fee, the chart shows a tax credit of $350. "Your cost: $150," it says.