Pierce Freeman is a mere 15 years old and already Apple's approved his second app. It's called, Boomerang.

Have you ever been in the middle of filling out a form on a web page and you got called away from your computer, only to come back and discover the session had timed out and you had to fill out the form all over again from the beginning?

Boomerang allows anyone to pick up where they left off when browsing the Internet on their iPad, iPhone, Macbook or iPod Touch. It sends the webpage to a user's device of choice. The app maintains their position on the forms or in the exact location on the site they're browsing.

Once they're back to their computer, the app allows them to send the page back to their computer to continue browsing on a larger monitor.

I would most liken Boomerang to Instapaper. But Instapaper only allows a user to save links to read later. Boomerang actually allows you to preserve the page exactly how you've left it. But Boomerang's greatest threat isn't one of the smaller start-ups in the Valley. Disruption from above is a greater threat.

Google and its recent string of me-too offerings could easily add to it's beta collection. Online storage and sharing site, Dropbox, could add a web page sharing function as well.

Since Freeman is still in High School, he's not too concerned about competition. He's creating apps for the love of it. He has an incredible passion for developing. He's been reading books on how to code since he was six years old!

I first met Freeman a year ago. I saw an article about his first app getting approved by Apple in the local paper (Marin Independent Journal). He said it was dream come true for him in 2009 when Apple added his business card sharing app, CardShare, which he developed at age 13, to the App Store.

The app allows users to not only share the standard name, company, email and phone number, but also their Facebook address, Twitter handle, LinkedIn profile and more.

Freeman has been fascinated by the Internet since age six. That's when he pick up his first book on how to code. But app development isn't his only business. He has five, including an animal photography business, a computer consulting business as well as a web design firm.

You might ask, if this kid's so good, why doesn't he just quit school and work on his projects full-time? Not even a question in his mind, or his parents. He says he still has a lot to learn in a variety of subjects beyond technology and he plans to stay in school through college, possibly attending MIT.

When I asked him what he'd ultimately want to achieve in his lifetime. He responded by saying he wanted to follow in the footsteps of his idol, Steve Jobs. " I think he really inspired the next generation's passion to tinker and love technology," says Freeman as he mourns the loss of his idol.